Saturday, May 31, 2008

Preston - Day 2 "Reflections"

If ever there was a time when God was speakig volumes through his scripture to me in my life, the last 2 days were definitely it. When I opened my devotional yesterday after all the events at the Hospital there was Jesus wrapping his arms around me and saying "He felt sorry for them and healed those who were sick" Matthew 14:14. This is not chance, this is not coincidence, it is not is God working in our lives and manifesting HIS glory out of impossible terrifying events and situations that we cannot even begin to fathom why they take place...He is right there next to us saying "cast all your cares upon me". Thank You Jesus for the preservation of my Wife, my son and my family. Praise The Lord.

Day 2 was a great day - Preston is doing well in the NICU making progress every hour, and Cheryl is in lots of pain but got to spend a lot of much needed emotion and encouraging time with him today. Here are some pictures that I think you will enjoy. More tomorrow -- and check out the couple of videos I placed up here of the girls with there new brother.

Blessings to you all and thank all of you for your prayers.


Friday, May 30, 2008


Despite many obstacles that I will not get into that transpired over the course of the last 42 hours I am happy to Announce the Arrival of our Son.


Preston joined our world @ 10:45am amidst an emergency C-Section and having to be revived.

Preston Weighs in at a WHOPPING 9lbs 10.9 ounces -- Unbelievable
His lenght is 22.5 inches long.

Needless to say he is doing well tonight in the NICU on a 24 hour watch due to his trama coming out today via the earlier stated emergency c-section.

MOM is also doing well despite her struggles with a ruptured uterus and a torn bladder. She spent 3 1/2 hours being repaired in the OR today and gave us all quite a Scare.

Bottom Line is Our Lord Jesus Christ was with us every step of the way and cared for all the events of the day despite or fear. Just as Genesis 4:18 says "is anything to hard for the Lord? NO!!! Rejoice with us this day and please keep both Preston and Cheryl in your prayers.

Love to all, more to come..

Gabe, Alexxis, Natalie, and Payton