Friday, November 13, 2009

******Fresh Perspectives******

Almost every day since March 8th, 2008 (when we really knew God wanted us in Poland) I have awakened saying in my head "What can I do today to get us closer to Poland?" - I believe Cheryl has done the same.

Over the past 12 months since our official appointment with WorldVenture as long term missionary appointees to Poland we have made cold calls to friends, family, acquaintances, and just about every church in the east and west valleys that we could think of to help us raise support for the ministry God wants us to participate in overseas. We have had some wonderful meetings, enjoyed fellowship with our home congregation, and have fostered new relationships. This has all been the good part of the process. The frustrating part of the process (since bad is not the proper term) has been realizing that the traditional method of support raising will not be how we get to Poland. I think and believe it is safe to say the old model of churches and individuals solely supporting those willing to change cultures and serve in the field has gone the way of the is becoming extinct.

We knew it would be different for us when we started this journey -- just how different was and still is boggling our minds...It has taken me personally the last 12 months to realize that I have been asking and acting in the wrong manner towards this future destination of Poland and the ministry that awaits there. I have been trying to control the outcome and time frame in which it happens....not realizing I have been viewing and making decisions in an OWNER role and not a Steward role. HUGE difference......lets take the definitions of both for just a second....

According to Merriam Webster:
Owner = to have or hold as property; to have power or mastery over.
Steward = one who actively directs affairs

If God is in control of my life (evidenced by my sole reliance on him for my salvation and the evidence of fruit of it in my life) then God is responsible for the owner issues of this call to ministry (namely time frame, support, and structure)...It is my responsibility as the manager of my life to be listening to the Owners direction and acting on it in the way he intersects it with others to make it happen. There is a freeing feeling when you remove that tendency to play Owner of it all and even more security in the feeling that those decision are cared for....just have to wait for the next set of directions. I appreciate my new friendship with Mark Miller ( who has helped me realize this point and is already mentoring me for the next step in this journey to Poland.

God has always shown up in surprising us so that we can never claim the glory for what is going on or what is happening but rather to remind us that HE gets the glory as it is about HIM and not us. I fully expect as we move along this journey that Gods direction will be evident....I like to over think things (another tell tale sign of attempting to control it) so for now I will just sit back, be patient, and enjoy the journey and intersections that he provides. Poland is not my immediate concern as the Owner will let us know when it is time and until then we follow the directions we have right now.

Take some time this week and ask yourself what perspective your viewing God plan for your life from.....who knows maybe you'll also be able to shed some of the excess baggage your carrying around. More posts to come on a much more regular basis....

Send us your comments, open some dialogue with us, lets have coffee (OK, not for me but I''ll have a Green tea) or break some bread together....I treasure all my current relationships and intersections and look forward to the new ones coming....

In Service with you for the Kingdom,
