Friday, May 30, 2008


Despite many obstacles that I will not get into that transpired over the course of the last 42 hours I am happy to Announce the Arrival of our Son.


Preston joined our world @ 10:45am amidst an emergency C-Section and having to be revived.

Preston Weighs in at a WHOPPING 9lbs 10.9 ounces -- Unbelievable
His lenght is 22.5 inches long.

Needless to say he is doing well tonight in the NICU on a 24 hour watch due to his trama coming out today via the earlier stated emergency c-section.

MOM is also doing well despite her struggles with a ruptured uterus and a torn bladder. She spent 3 1/2 hours being repaired in the OR today and gave us all quite a Scare.

Bottom Line is Our Lord Jesus Christ was with us every step of the way and cared for all the events of the day despite or fear. Just as Genesis 4:18 says "is anything to hard for the Lord? NO!!! Rejoice with us this day and please keep both Preston and Cheryl in your prayers.

Love to all, more to come..

Gabe, Alexxis, Natalie, and Payton


The Kempiak Party of Five said...

I have been in prayer since early this afternoon. Praise God to see Cheryl's smile, holding beautiful Preston. It's a wondrous sight!

I love you guys and will continue to lift you all up in prayer.

To God be the Glory. He was right there the entire time.

I bet you can relate to Job when he said, "My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you!" 42:5

azphillips said...

dad thanks for supporting mom because she was and is going through hard times and I thank you for that

azphillips said...

Nana thank you for being hereto take of us while mom and dad are in the hospital and even when there not in the hospital you are such a blessing in our lives Thank You

azphillips said...

Mom thank you for being strong through these hard times you are such a strong woman and a great mommy