Since I have not updated in 6 months I thought it would be a good time to update the blog with the latest info -- trying to keep up on 2 blogs, an MBA program, work, 4 kids and their activities, and training for an IronMan race leaves little time for anything....let alone here it goes in a whirlwind fashion:
Alexxis now out of Dance taking Cheer leading (Made Level 2 of the USA Gymnastics Cheer leading Squad) and she is way too....more $$$$$$$$$ - I need to buy stock in the'll see why below. She is also heading to EVBC camp with her friend Sydney this year in Point Loma and looking forward to having a great time.
Natalie now in Level 3 Gymnastics (just graduated up from level 2 about 2 weeks ago). She is becoming stronger and is looking forward to her extra time (and my extra $$ there...She turns 10 next month and Cheryl will take her to a hotel for the night, do the girl makeover thing and then I will take her to Wet & Wild for the day.....she is overjoyed to say the least...
Payton just graduated yesterday into level 2 gymnastics and she is thrilled....she is also getting stronger and helped the gym install a PIC line into my bloodstream for the 3rd monthly payment to them for all the activities that she and her sisters are involved in -- this way they can just take the blood out automatically vs. me having to go in periodically....LOL
Preston is almost 2 and he has hit that wonderful "NO" stage and the stage of curiosity killed the cat....or in his case destroyed the store, room, or whatever he gets his little hands on....he is very active and loves playing ball, riding his brmm brmmm (Prestonease for Motorcycle), or using the bat to slam things in the house...his cohort in crime Kade (over on M, Wed, & Fri) also enjoy throwing rocks into the pool so dad can step on them or find them later and have to don the Scuba gear to retrieve them all....oh Joy....
Cheryl -- what can I say -- my best friend and wife of almost 16 years....her back is doing better ever since her chiropractic appointments and she is enjoying running on a more regular basis (mostly with her friends Kelly, Kristen, Kym, & Janelle -- so I think maybe Cheryl and Janelle should choose pseudo names that start with K to fit into the group better but that's just my suggestion.) She also spends her time cleaning, cooking, managing the two boys and running errands for the kids, for me, for herself...again no rest for the wicked....
Me -- well if you FB at all or subscribe to my other blog you know I am a stacker and have too many things going on these days --- I will be taking a short but needed hiatus from the MBA program for about 5 months to save the $6,500 that the company will cover if I wait to go back until Jan 1, 2011....but that will give us another night in our week and me an easier time training for IronMan in November this year. I did do a Triathlon recently in Mexico and I turned in a great time for an Olympic distance (2:37:13) --- for the 1000 meter swim, 25 mile bike and then 6.2 mile run.
Ever changing -- Had a new Boss out of Belgium for the last 3 months, now he has quit and they are planning on filling his position for a Division lead in Europe for my group --- I am letting all my network contacts know of our continued desire to be there full time in Poland....not sure where it will go but we are sure God is in control and we are to continuing to be patient. Have calls into Dick Dietrich (Polish Royalty you have heard about from us) for updates from him and the partnership for Poland together as well as lines out to some folks in different states to get presentations set up for support but no traction yet.
Love you all as our friends and family ---- Call us, email us, let us know how we can serve you.....
So That We Might Save Some,
Gabe, Cheryl, Alexxis, Natalie, Payton, & Preston