Friday, June 05, 2009

T MINUS 17 Days.......



In Matthew 4:19 Jesus says "Come follow me."
In our preparation to follow him to Poland where he has called us, we will depart in 18 days (June 22nd) and stay for 14 days (July 7th) to accomplish some very important pre-field goals:.

1) To grow and deepen existing relationships with Polish Nationals in the Business Community.

2) To enculturate the children to Poland (its Culture, People, Food, Language, and History)

3) To visit and pray over schooling options, and housing options.

4) To visit and pray over language schools needed for our first two years of Polish saturation.
Please pray with us that each of these goals would be realized through the power of the Holy Spirit and to HIS glorification

Goal #1 Details - [Growing our relationships]

We arrive on June 23rd @ 14:15 Warsaw time and will be picking up our rental van for the duration of our trip. From there we will be driving 2 hours north to Plock (Where my family is from) to stay the night before meeting up with Waldek & Ewa on June 24th in the town of Hel (another 4 hour drive north), at the tip of the Baltic Sea. We will be spending four days in Hel and the surrounding Gdansk area. This will be a fantastic bonding time for us with them as they will be on holiday and will be far from the fast paced working environment they are used to. Please pray with us for safety, rest, open conversations, and softened hearts.

Goal #2 - [Enculturation]

This trip was designed to provide a taste of each of the 3 major Cultural areas of Poland (from Gdansk and Hel in the north, to the heartland in Warsaw, and to the southern cultural capital of Krakow). Each provides a history, flavor, and architectural view into what makes Poland a thriving nation and a historical wonder. Each area has historical locations we will be visiting (time allowing) to allow Alexxis, Natalie, Payton, and Preston to experience what their new "home" will be like, and that it is not that different or scary. Please pray with us:

1) For Cheryl's back to be completely comfortable and for no issues of stiffness or pain (as long drives and sitting upright in auto chairs can aggravate her condition)

2) That they will absolutely fall in Love with the people, landscape, and history.

3) Our safety to and from these areas driving as Gabe navigates the road system and Polish auto laws.

Goal #3 - [School & Housing]

During June 28th - 30th, and again from July 2nd - 4th we will be in Warsaw visiting the schools that we have been communicating with as options for our children, and viewing housing options in and around the school/ business areas.

We pray for the Holy Spirit to guide us in our decisions for the kids future education as well as the future home or flat we are to reside in. That both will be affordable in our support package estimate and that the areas will provide us the opportunity to engage the business community for Christ.

Goal #4 - [Language Acquisition]

Our final goal is to visit some schooling options for our language acquisition. Polish is a very difficult language to learn and we know that the Lord has orchestrated a place for us to study appropriately and effectively to learn fluent Polish. Please pray we find an affordable and flexible solution.

Goal #5 - [Provision]

Praise the lord that HE has raised $1,350 towards the expenses of this vision trip. We ask your prayer and consideration for the other $7,650 to cover all of the necessary expenses to make this vision trip happen. We place our faith in the GREAT PROVIDER and in you, our partners in the Ministry.
Please pray that these funds can be raised prior to the June 22nd date and that new Monthly supporters will also come on board for our eventual full time transition.

Gratefully at 16% Monthly supported

As always we covet your prayers and know that HIS provision is always at the right time and in the right fashion to carry out HIS will.
I will send out two last updates prior to our departure and during our trip we will blog our progress -- so join the feed and stay tuned......

Together in Service for THE Kingdom,
The Phillips Family
Gabe, Cheryl, Alexxis, Natalie, Payton & Preston
WorldVenture Missionaries to Poland

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