Today was the day, the Nike 10K Human Race Day.....Got the bug a few weeks ago when I saw it after uploading my run for the day. You sign up on the Nike+ website and then pledge to run so many miles for a specific charity that Nike will donate money to on your behalf....Pretty cool...I signed up and pledged to run 40 miles for the UN World Agency Fund...Helping those in affected areas such as Darfur etc.
It was great to make sure I owned up to my pledge and then get Alexxis involved on the actual day of the "human Race". Nike wanted everyone to run a 10K, but since Alexxis was with me we did a 2 mile run and then a 2 mile walk for a total of 4 miles. Was fun to have my daughter running alongside and enjoying something I do, as we are almost polar opposite the rest of the time...Here is our photo before heading out this AM to run...Beautiful overcast and cool weather today after a storm last night so perfect running weather for August/ Spetember timeframe here in AZ.
Well, I hope if you did any of the Human race you met your goals and made Nike pony up some much needed Cash for those who are going through more than we could ever is stated in Hosea 2:19 "I will make you my promised bride forever. I will be good and fair; I will show you my love and mercy." He certainly has shown this country his love and mercy and I pray that the masses would realize it and start worshiping and honoring God with our Country....
Gabe Phillips