Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Travel, Tennis, and Timing

Here we are again....getting ready for our final "discovery trip". We are excited and we are ever more in prayer for clear and unified direction for our future. As we mentioned before we will meeting with a couple who serve from Intouch Missions on the 1st day we arrive and then we will be hooking up with the GEM missionary for the following 10 days in Poland and others along the way from Worldventure and various other organizations to get a good "partnering" view of what is going on in Eastern Europe and how we fit in.

The girls as always are excited to have Nana taking care of them while we are gone. She is so good to us and such a blessing in our lives. We are so thankful for her presence here and her selflessness in assisting us during this process we are going through. We could not do this without God's provision through her.

I will be signing Alexxis & Natalie up for Tennis this weekend -- and they are excited...we spent some $$ and got them some basic rackets at Walmart and they will start there 8 weeks of lessons just after spring break finishes at the end of March. I pray they grab onto it and really enjoy the game as I do -- but as long as they are having fun -- so am I. We really enjoyed watching the Austrailan open these past few weeks as the matches would play in the evening for us... We were all routing for James Blake, and he did marvelously however others prevailed and we will have to route for him again come Roland Garros and Wimbledon this summer.

Timing is everything and we all know that the Lord's timing is perfect. The little man growing inside of Cheryl has fluid in the kidneys according to all the ultrasounds that the Dr. has ordered for Cheryl and they are watching it as it should clear up by birth -- but they are watching none the less. We are praying of course for health and and easy delivery for Cheryl and pray we can decide on a name by the end of this little ones "cooking".

If you read this Blog -- please pray for our Friends the McCamey's -- Jerry, Angie, and Kyle. Angie has been diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer and the Doctors removed it however nothing is ever guaranteed. We ask for you to interceed on their behalf with our father for his healing, and his comfort for each of them as they walk through this valley together. Here is their blog if you wish to know more and pray more specifically.

Well take care and we will report more from Poland....

God can do all things. MARK 10:27

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