Well we are finally booked and heading to Poland from February 12th - February 24th. We will be getting a chance to visit this city for a few days and meeting our GEM host while there to meet the ministry partners in the area. We understand this is probably close to the worst time to visit Poland (since it is smack dab in the middle of Winter ans the gauge wont get above 25 F. Oh well, it will give us a great opportunity to really experience the cliamte at its worst and understand what could be ahead for us.
After staying a few days in Poznan, our relative from Warsaw will be picking us up and taking us to Plock and back to Warsaw where they have graciously agreed to put us up for 2 nights before we head down to Lublin and Krakow with our GEM host. It should be a great time finally getting to meet my relatives and get to know them better and seeing some of their city as only a local can show it to you.
Finally we will return to Poznan about 2 days prior to our departure and spend those last two days with our host before we return home. We are continuing to pray for a unified direction and a clear answer from God for our future home for ministry.
I believe now more than ever that his plan for us is the business community. Success is the measure of a man with an earthly view and one that follows the "Conventional" Manhood direction which focuses on what a man does, how we compete with other men, personal rewards, and self success ---
but if we change our perspective and follow what Jesus modeled (an "Authentic Manhood") then we can focus on what a man really IS, community with others, eternal rewards, focus on others, and finally significance. I thank Robert Lewis for bringing this to light for me and pray that we can be used by God to show this to the community the Lord calls us to.
Gabe & Cheryl