Saturday, May 31, 2008

Preston - Day 2 "Reflections"

If ever there was a time when God was speakig volumes through his scripture to me in my life, the last 2 days were definitely it. When I opened my devotional yesterday after all the events at the Hospital there was Jesus wrapping his arms around me and saying "He felt sorry for them and healed those who were sick" Matthew 14:14. This is not chance, this is not coincidence, it is not is God working in our lives and manifesting HIS glory out of impossible terrifying events and situations that we cannot even begin to fathom why they take place...He is right there next to us saying "cast all your cares upon me". Thank You Jesus for the preservation of my Wife, my son and my family. Praise The Lord.

Day 2 was a great day - Preston is doing well in the NICU making progress every hour, and Cheryl is in lots of pain but got to spend a lot of much needed emotion and encouraging time with him today. Here are some pictures that I think you will enjoy. More tomorrow -- and check out the couple of videos I placed up here of the girls with there new brother.

Blessings to you all and thank all of you for your prayers.



Brent & Chris Ralston said...

Yikes! I'm not sure I know the ramifications of a ruptured uterus and torn bladder are. Not sure I want to know, but we praise God for safety for both Mom and baby. I'm sure it was a terrifying experience for Gabe and the girls. We are praying for quick healing and continued healthiness.

Brent for Chris & Hannah also

azphillips said...

Mom you did such a great job in these dark hours and thank you for being a great listener to the doctors I love you and miss you

azphillips said...

Preston is adorable. mom Ilove you so much.your the best mom in the whole wide world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Kempiak Party of Five said...

Cheryl and Gabe, I praise God for the lessons we can learn from your hard times. God is being glorified in you right now...know that!